Josephine Bowerman

About me: I completed my undergraduate degree in Linguistics at the University of Cambridge. For my undergraduate dissertation I focused on metaphor processing. During my MA in Linguistics with a specialisation in Pragmatics at UCL, I investigated referential metonymy. Now, studying for my PhD at UCL, I continue to work on figurative language.

My research: In my research, I examine how children acquire competence in producing and comprehending metaphor and metonymy, in relation to other linguistic, cognitive and pragmatic skills that may support figurative language development.

My ultimate goal in identifying abilities that underpin metonymy and metaphor development is to guide educational and clinical programmes aimed at enhancing children’s communication competencies.

Supervisor: Professor Robyn Carston and Professor Courtenay Norbury

Selected publications:

Pathway: Linguistics

Location: UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
